Jumaat dah lepas. Hari ni dah Sabtu. Cuti seminggu aku nampak mcm dah penghujung. hu hu hu. Lepas ni kesesakkan kepala akan bermula semula. Smlm drpd Yahoo sampai ke TV tayang story pasal scam. Paling kelakar entry ni.
Sbnr nya pompuan TEKUN tu dah berjasa kepada mangsa2 tuh semua. Bayangkan (sambil pejam mata) sorang pemohon pinjaman TEKUN nak buat loan RM75k utk join MLM. Pompuan TEKUN tuh mintak RM100 utk percepatkan proses loan. Tapi last2 lepas stahun loan tak dapat. Jadi diorang pun terasa kene tipu. Abih tu kalau loan tuh dapat, then diorang join MLM yg tak tentu tau ujung pangkal tu. Lagi banyak rugi kan. ha ha ha ha. Lepas mulut buaya masuk mulut rimau. Tuh belum kira mulut beruang lagi.
Citer pasal MLM @ skim cepat kaya @ investment internet nih, teringat 'kenangan2' kat tempat keje lama. Dulu aku ada member yg ajak aku join Swiss Cash & EA Index. Pastu bile aku taknak join, dia sindir2 sayang plak. Ceh. Lepas dia kene scam...senyap. Lepas tuh wujud plak perniagaan antar spam ke email. Konon-konon email iklan (advertisment). Skim tu lebih kurang camni, kompeni tuh sediakan pakej ikut jumlah email (dlm bentuk CD). Kau bayar la, let say, RM400 untuk 100 email address. Pastu antar la iklan ke email2 tuh, peringkat demi peringkat. Aku tengok semua iklan mengarut je. Pastu bayaran setiap minggu kot. Berdasarkan mamat yg kene scam tuh, sebulan dah balik modal. ha ha ha. Ni yang best. Bila org dah percaya, dan based on recommendation kawan2 (scam ni pun ada unsur piramid), ahli-ahli bertambah. Yang dah letak duit, tambah lagi duit. Scammer pun senyum sampai telinga.
Akhirnya last update aku baca, pejabat scam tuh kat Menara Public Bank depan City Square hampir runtuh kene serbu dgn mangsa-mangsa. Ada yg dapat untung (yg awal-awal masuk)...ada yg rugi beribu-ribu. Pastu aku baca kat paper, kompeni ni ada branch kat Skudai. Kesian btul. Paling kelakar, member aku siap inform aku, "weh, aku jumpa lecturer aku kat situ gak..." Ada ke? :)
Aku keje kat kilang, organisasi besar...orang pun ramai. Mangsa dan pemangsa bertambah populasi & probability. ha ha. Kat kilang ni, mcm2 skim ada. Ni skrip bila pemangsa yg cuba mendekati aku tapi ditepis, cuba permainkan intelektual & emosi kita plak. C'mon la. Desperate sangat, nanti kene maki korang emo plak. Sila layan skrip kat bwh:
(1) Ni la melayu...kita nak tolong dia. Dia perlekehkan kita plak.
Ayat standard @ default.
(2) Mana bole rugi, kau tengok bos aku punya kereta.
Kereta tuh dah abis bayar? kalau blum tuh bank yg punyer.
(3) Cuba pikir betul2, sampai bila kau nak kerja kilang.
Sampai kene VSS.
(4) Umat Islam kene strong financial, baru kita kuat. Hadith ada sebut...
Ni paling celake, guna agama nak lepaskan diri sendiri. Kalau aku jumpa dia ni lagi, aku flush kepala dia kat jamban.
(5) Aku nak tolong kau. Gaji kau beribu pon tapi tade freedom.
Freedom?...Seha & Shuib ke?...
(6) Skim ni senang. Kita sama2 naikkan group kita dulu. Kau cuma bayar RM2500 masa daftar.
Kau bayarkan la dulu. Kata sama-sama.
(7) Aku buat keje sikit jek. Seminggu aku bole dapat Rm1000.
Ko bela toyol perrr....?
(8) Dah susah nanti, datang mintak tolong kat aku plak.
Ehhh?....mcm silap jek nahu.
(9) Tak join takpe...dengar je dulu.
Dan banyak lagi. Bosan.
Jan 31, 2009
Jan 29, 2009
Email to Ms Lina
I quote from Bernama today....
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 28 (Bernama) -- More than 10,000 Malaysians have lost their jobs since Jan 1, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director, Shamsuddin Bardan, disclosed today.
He told Bernama that more were expected to be jobless in the days ahead as companies particularly in the manufacturing sector struggle to keep their businesses afloat.
In an urgent appeal to the government, he said it was of utmost importance for the second stimulus economic package to be released fast so that companies could know clearly where they stood.
The government released a RM7 billion economic stimulus package last month and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had promised a second package soon.
Shamsuddin said the economic downturn this time was much worse than the one in 1997 because it was more widespread and involved the major parts of the world. - Bernama
This time around it will be much more difficult. I pity those who lost their jobs. Those fresh grad looking for jobs. March & April will be a busy month as usual for graduation day. More than 30k fresh grad will flood the job market. As usual during recession, the manufacturing sector likely to be hit by the tide. Til this date, almost 70% of my friends working in Singapore (mostly manufacturing) accept the VSS or being retrenched. An American manufacturing plant in Senai cut 10% off their exec salary.
With lot of people being laid off & in turn looking for replacement jobs, Lina Jobstreet will be busy delivering those notification emails. ha ha. As usual, when the private sector cannot deliver people will turn to the government (or GLC) to look for jobs. They are looking for security & the thoughts that the government will look after them.
I quote from Shamsuddin Bardan, he suggested the following to the government:
+ Repatriate all illegal workers to their country of origin.
+ Replace legal foreign workers in stages with Malaysians.
+ Freeze foreign recruitment.
+ Give job priority to Malaysians
Looking at the suggestions, it can only heal on the surface only. You don't expect to replace the Indonesian workers with those diploma@degree holders, right? I am still waiting (not hope) for the government to announce the second economic stimulus plan as Najib promised. And also the gov plan to face the curent economic reality. The gov need to be firm & bold in instituting their measures. Which I think, not. Anyway, let's hope for the best.
During this trying times, I remember reading one of the Kiyosaki's book. Quote:"Create a saftey net, at least 6 month of your family expenses". It can help you to last 6 months without job & you will have time to think what to do.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 28 (Bernama) -- More than 10,000 Malaysians have lost their jobs since Jan 1, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director, Shamsuddin Bardan, disclosed today.
He told Bernama that more were expected to be jobless in the days ahead as companies particularly in the manufacturing sector struggle to keep their businesses afloat.
In an urgent appeal to the government, he said it was of utmost importance for the second stimulus economic package to be released fast so that companies could know clearly where they stood.
The government released a RM7 billion economic stimulus package last month and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had promised a second package soon.
Shamsuddin said the economic downturn this time was much worse than the one in 1997 because it was more widespread and involved the major parts of the world. - Bernama
This time around it will be much more difficult. I pity those who lost their jobs. Those fresh grad looking for jobs. March & April will be a busy month as usual for graduation day. More than 30k fresh grad will flood the job market. As usual during recession, the manufacturing sector likely to be hit by the tide. Til this date, almost 70% of my friends working in Singapore (mostly manufacturing) accept the VSS or being retrenched. An American manufacturing plant in Senai cut 10% off their exec salary.
With lot of people being laid off & in turn looking for replacement jobs, Lina Jobstreet will be busy delivering those notification emails. ha ha. As usual, when the private sector cannot deliver people will turn to the government (or GLC) to look for jobs. They are looking for security & the thoughts that the government will look after them.
I quote from Shamsuddin Bardan, he suggested the following to the government:
+ Repatriate all illegal workers to their country of origin.
+ Replace legal foreign workers in stages with Malaysians.
+ Freeze foreign recruitment.
+ Give job priority to Malaysians
Looking at the suggestions, it can only heal on the surface only. You don't expect to replace the Indonesian workers with those diploma@degree holders, right? I am still waiting (not hope) for the government to announce the second economic stimulus plan as Najib promised. And also the gov plan to face the curent economic reality. The gov need to be firm & bold in instituting their measures. Which I think, not. Anyway, let's hope for the best.
During this trying times, I remember reading one of the Kiyosaki's book. Quote:"Create a saftey net, at least 6 month of your family expenses". It can help you to last 6 months without job & you will have time to think what to do.
Jan 28, 2009
Life is full of choices
Yes folk, life is full of choices. But for this...I seriously cannot make any mistake. If not, the consequences is unbearable. hu-hu.
my baby sis: kenapa pilih ni, gelap sangat....nampak mcm %$#@
me: ko ni racist
my brothers: pilih kaler yang kontra sket...moden.
me: nanti rumah aku nampak cam tadika.
ayah: pilih apa2 kaler jek. Beli nippon paint. Nanti 5 tahun takyah tukar kaler.
me: skrg musim gawat. lagipun kite kene sokong brand malaysia.
ayah: ko kan keje company jepun.
me: .......
friends: tengok deko eric. mana la tau dpt idea.
me: siaran tv si botak tu ke...atas tade rambut, bawah ader janggut...kihkihkih
But now my headaches are gone. Me & my wife made our choices. Considering all the options & feedback from family, friends, & girlfriends (uhuk!)....these will be the colors of our home.
fresh biscuit + crete barrel (living room & dining)
plum pink + ruling royalty(master bedroom)
cerulean (study room @ office)
snowbush (room 2)
fresh biscuit (room 3)
papyrus (doors)
orion + oak (outside walls)
orion + oak (outside walls)
ni gambar sape ntah
Jan 22, 2009
Yesterday black out from (approx) 8.45 pm til (approx) 9.00 am this morning. TNB took almost 12 hours to recover (wtf???) . Affected area, my place (Tmn Sutera), Perling, Bukit Indah (kot)...Everything gone black. One accident occurred last nite bcos the road lights & traffic lights also went off. Typical TNB work. I am not really sure what happened. I called the care-line to get some info but
"sila tunggu, anda di giliran ke - 80...."
Jan 20, 2009
Bye Bye A**ol
Budak: America was founded by....bla bla bla
Bush(dalam ati): pehal aku takleh nak bace nih? latin version ke?
Bush(dalam ati): pehal aku takleh nak bace nih? latin version ke?
Sengal giler...bole tengok kat sini.
Jan 10, 2009
Save Palestine Save the World.
....aku pinjam sket quote dr drama TV Heroes (originalnya "save the cheerleader, save the world"). It's a metaphor. Jgn pulak ada yg ingat org kat Palestin tuh semua pakai skirt bawak pom-pom. Bukan.
Kenapa aku pikir mcm tuh? Semua yg berlaku kat dunia mcm "string connections". Semua berkait-kait. Lebih bnyk penindasan berlaku kepada org2 Islam terutamanya di Palestin akan menaikkan lagi semangat pejuang2, golongan muda Islam yang org western/yahudi selalu label sbg "Terrorrist". Lebih bnyk pejuang2 nih timbul, lebih bnyk pengebom berani mati. Lebih bnyk juga kawasan yg umat Islam susah nak pegi. Lebih bnyk lagi umat Islam ditindas. Dan selama tuh umat Islam akan dilabel sebagai pengganas. Kat sini aku tak gemar nak judge/hakimi mereka yg berjuang tuh, pengebom berani mati ke, pengganas ke...atau jihad. It's beyond my credential. Cuma dari pandangan mata aku (seorang bystander)...tiada agama yang mengunjurkan keganasan, tapi tiada siapa yang tahan dibuli selama berpuluh tahun lamanya. Sejak Israel diiktiraf oleh US & UK pada 1948.
Yang pasti majoriti pengebom2 berjihad kerana muak dgn yahudi/amerika yg buli negara Islam mcm Palestin. Muak dan jelek. Entah kenapa, setiap kali Israel buat hal...UN hanya mampu mendesak. Desak. Tekanan. Suruh gencatan senjata. Itu jek. Amerika dgn dasar berkecuali ---sbbnya semua org tau Demokrat US di back up oleh Israel. Dan Israel jahanam tuh memang tak respect langsung dgn UN. Memang betul kata TDM, Israel kuasa dunia secara proksi. Israel pegang presiden Amerika, Israel pegang dunia. Kan?
Yahudi memang bijak.Walaupun populasi hanya 7 million, Israel berjaya tanam sifat benci dunia terhadap org Islam. Kat dunia nih termasuk aku, ada kira-kira 1.3 billion muslims. Tengok je Bernard L. Madoff. Penipu besar kat US. Entah berapa billion USD dia salurkan untuk Israel.
So lepas ni, adakah kita akan lihat lebih banyak pejuang berani mati, jihad? Adakah dunia ni akan jadi lebih selamat lepas konflik kat Gaza ni tamat? Adakah umat Islam (semua) akan dilabel pengganas? Allah saja yang maha mengetahui.
Kenapa aku pikir mcm tuh? Semua yg berlaku kat dunia mcm "string connections". Semua berkait-kait. Lebih bnyk penindasan berlaku kepada org2 Islam terutamanya di Palestin akan menaikkan lagi semangat pejuang2, golongan muda Islam yang org western/yahudi selalu label sbg "Terrorrist". Lebih bnyk pejuang2 nih timbul, lebih bnyk pengebom berani mati. Lebih bnyk juga kawasan yg umat Islam susah nak pegi. Lebih bnyk lagi umat Islam ditindas. Dan selama tuh umat Islam akan dilabel sebagai pengganas. Kat sini aku tak gemar nak judge/hakimi mereka yg berjuang tuh, pengebom berani mati ke, pengganas ke...atau jihad. It's beyond my credential. Cuma dari pandangan mata aku (seorang bystander)...tiada agama yang mengunjurkan keganasan, tapi tiada siapa yang tahan dibuli selama berpuluh tahun lamanya. Sejak Israel diiktiraf oleh US & UK pada 1948.
Yang pasti majoriti pengebom2 berjihad kerana muak dgn yahudi/amerika yg buli negara Islam mcm Palestin. Muak dan jelek. Entah kenapa, setiap kali Israel buat hal...UN hanya mampu mendesak. Desak. Tekanan. Suruh gencatan senjata. Itu jek. Amerika dgn dasar berkecuali ---sbbnya semua org tau Demokrat US di back up oleh Israel. Dan Israel jahanam tuh memang tak respect langsung dgn UN. Memang betul kata TDM, Israel kuasa dunia secara proksi. Israel pegang presiden Amerika, Israel pegang dunia. Kan?
Yahudi memang bijak.Walaupun populasi hanya 7 million, Israel berjaya tanam sifat benci dunia terhadap org Islam. Kat dunia nih termasuk aku, ada kira-kira 1.3 billion muslims. Tengok je Bernard L. Madoff. Penipu besar kat US. Entah berapa billion USD dia salurkan untuk Israel.
So lepas ni, adakah kita akan lihat lebih banyak pejuang berani mati, jihad? Adakah dunia ni akan jadi lebih selamat lepas konflik kat Gaza ni tamat? Adakah umat Islam (semua) akan dilabel pengganas? Allah saja yang maha mengetahui.
- Selamatkan Palestin -
Jan 8, 2009
Klik dan dapat ganjaran berlipat ganda!!!!!
Anda hanya perlu klik dan ganjaran yang anda perolehi adalah berlipat ganda dan tidak ternilai. Ini bukan MLM atau skim cepat kaya. Anda juga tidak perlu menghadiri sesi ceramah. Tidak kira sama ada anda pekerja swasta atau kerajaan. Beragama Islam, mahupun Kristian. Hindu, Sikh dan sebagainya. Apa yang dijanjikan adalah benar belaka.
Jika anda sudah baca sampai di sini, itu menunjukkan anda mempunyai nilai-nilai murni (selain sifat ingin tahu) yang tinggi. Oleh itu saya sarankan anda semua klik di Maybank2U untuk menderma ke tabung NTSP Gaza. Ganjaran yang berlipat ganda.
Jika anda sudah baca sampai di sini, itu menunjukkan anda mempunyai nilai-nilai murni (selain sifat ingin tahu) yang tinggi. Oleh itu saya sarankan anda semua klik di Maybank2U untuk menderma ke tabung NTSP Gaza. Ganjaran yang berlipat ganda.
No. Akaun Maybank: 514105-320501
(klik di sini untuk ganjaran)
(klik di sini untuk ganjaran)
Selain Maybank2U, penderma boleh guna mesin cash-deposit, cek atau perbankan telefon. Maklumat lanjut & berita LINK INI. Terima kasih. Pastikan derma sebelum 7 Feb 2009.
Jan 4, 2009
Welcome 2009.
I hope I am not too late to greet everybody a happy new year & salam maal hijrah. Better late than never. OK, cut the story short, my company (well, the company I work for...) take 1st Jan as public holiday. Then for "Awal Muharam" holiday they carry forward for 2nd Jan. This is quite unusual for Johorean. Enjoying holiday on 1st Jan. So, holidays from 1st Jan until 4th Jan. A much needed rest after working my ass off for months, and finally get the project to kick-off just before new year. Now work, life, everything in steady state. And also I can see similar pattern to my blood pressure. Haha. A quick getaway to Rembau will be enough for the mean time.
To summarize 2008. It is in fact one of the most unpredictable year. I had my fair share of hits & misses. Maybe I can summarize it all in the next entry. And my prediction for 2009? Hmmm. I am no Nostradamus or pak nujum. But towards the end of 2008, the economy have gone worst since. Even though oil prices are declining, but I am not seeing any GOOD signs for daily GOODs. And to make things even worst, company are cutting back their business, lay-off workers, retrenched, etc etc. 2009 is gonna be hell of a ride. Receiving phone calls from friends looking for jobs (after being laid off), it's sad indeed. And, ohh...the fucking Israel enjoying the new year bombing the Palestine. 1.3 billion Muslims watched the 7 million population country terrorized un-armed fellow Muslim's country. Oh....my.
With recession making a "comeback tour" around the world. The electric & electronics industry are badly effected. To think about it, how the hell my Japanese company can survive this economic turmoil...? It's what we say, the miracle of life. The key word we use are 'market lop-sided'. The market are now one sided with our main competitor are being 'crushed' during the US economy crisis (not giving any names...haha). And the people in Europe & US started working from homes (after being laid-off), increasing the sales of MFC, printers, fax, etc. It's now lop-sided. Thank Allah.
I need to stop before this entry become more & more gloomy...Back to life.
Celebrating new year is not written in any part of my dictionary. But having a wife with bday on 31st Dec, this one need to write not only to dictionary, dinding bilik, organizer, but also dashboard kereta. ha ha. Woman will remember every DATE & anniversaries. My wife was born on 31 Dec. Same with my dad...my dad? Ayah aku. Bunyi mcm tak kena je bila sebut 'dad'. ha ha. and oh, my nephew, Khalish was born on 1st Muharam.
As usual, me & wife go out for dinner, it was a Thai food restaurant in Jusco Bukit Indah. We plan to go to Stone Grill but the place was packed. Just to be predictable, I bought her a new hand bag as bday gift (to match her new shoes, cloth, slippers,...sales hujung tahun la katakan...hu-hu-hu). We had long chat, flashing back 2008 & hopes for 2009. And the food was ok-ok jer. (don't expect me to come to that place again)
To summarize 2008. It is in fact one of the most unpredictable year. I had my fair share of hits & misses. Maybe I can summarize it all in the next entry. And my prediction for 2009? Hmmm. I am no Nostradamus or pak nujum. But towards the end of 2008, the economy have gone worst since. Even though oil prices are declining, but I am not seeing any GOOD signs for daily GOODs. And to make things even worst, company are cutting back their business, lay-off workers, retrenched, etc etc. 2009 is gonna be hell of a ride. Receiving phone calls from friends looking for jobs (after being laid off), it's sad indeed. And, ohh...the fucking Israel enjoying the new year bombing the Palestine. 1.3 billion Muslims watched the 7 million population country terrorized un-armed fellow Muslim's country. Oh....my.
With recession making a "comeback tour" around the world. The electric & electronics industry are badly effected. To think about it, how the hell my Japanese company can survive this economic turmoil...? It's what we say, the miracle of life. The key word we use are 'market lop-sided'. The market are now one sided with our main competitor are being 'crushed' during the US economy crisis (not giving any names...haha). And the people in Europe & US started working from homes (after being laid-off), increasing the sales of MFC, printers, fax, etc. It's now lop-sided. Thank Allah.
I need to stop before this entry become more & more gloomy...Back to life.
Celebrating new year is not written in any part of my dictionary. But having a wife with bday on 31st Dec, this one need to write not only to dictionary, dinding bilik, organizer, but also dashboard kereta. ha ha. Woman will remember every DATE & anniversaries. My wife was born on 31 Dec. Same with my dad...my dad? Ayah aku. Bunyi mcm tak kena je bila sebut 'dad'. ha ha. and oh, my nephew, Khalish was born on 1st Muharam.
As usual, me & wife go out for dinner, it was a Thai food restaurant in Jusco Bukit Indah. We plan to go to Stone Grill but the place was packed. Just to be predictable, I bought her a new hand bag as bday gift (to match her new shoes, cloth, slippers,...sales hujung tahun la katakan...hu-hu-hu). We had long chat, flashing back 2008 & hopes for 2009. And the food was ok-ok jer. (don't expect me to come to that place again)
2009, here I come!
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