Apr 27, 2008

Work - Life Balance.

Dear all,

Few words,

Overdose of Teh O mamak.
Front & back to machine maker.
Auditor from Japan.
Endless meeting.
Presentation to management.
Blabbering shit from ****.

Luckily, at the end it went well.


p/s: There is more life outside the office cubicle.

Apr 7, 2008


something sweet and so meaningful... from someone i know :) ...
(maybe you guys know him too...ahaksss...)

" something in this world are considered far from our reach...
to buy everything we want to own....
to be everything we want to be...
and thus to live a life full of joy and happiness..

but happiness cannot be judged or measured by how much money we earn....

for me it is just living the life with your love ones...
conquering each day and night...
through thick and thin together....
something that even money can't buy..."