Jun 2, 2008

You''ll never walk alone.

EPL already end. No need to announce the winner.

Few weeks back I went out looking for my wife new hand phone. We went from shop to shop until she finally decide to buy a Sony Ericcsons phone. But then, the final obstacle for me was, waiting for her to decide whether to buy the black color or red one. So I said, "Ambik warna merah la. Berani. Bold. Macam Liverpool." Then she said with simple yet harmful reply,"Liverpool kan sekarang kat 4th place."

Somehow I forget that she used to support Man U.

Prepare for Euro pulak!


Wak Zailan said...

alamak...mcm mane Man U dgn Liverpool bleh ditakdirkan bersama plak ni??

anyway, I am the fan of 19 team of EPL competing Man UTD!!!

EURO?? Confirm ITALY menang, xyah tanye dah tau!!!

anyway, good luck Liverpool for the next season....

p/s : Aku dgr2 khabar angin, Benitez kate kalau nak menang or mencabar liga kena menang 2 match menentang Man Utd, komen skit!!

Farhana said...

it's destiny :)

Azhan said...

to be the best must beat the best...falsafah tuh beb...

junkfood said...

peh macam tompel

Azhan said...

jebon ke cik embun?

Wak Zailan said...

ye laaa tu.... falsafah sgt!!! aku chuak bukan ape, nnt cakap tak serupa bikin!!!

Benitez pun sama je laaa...nak angkat org2 spain, igt La Liga ape??

Azhan said...

ceh...kau tunggu nanti euro.Hehe. Spain 11 star man.

mana blog updated?

Azlan Zed said...

a man utd supporter... interesting... haha... ;D

Azhan said...

it's destiny....hahaha