Nov 26, 2013

Monkey See Monkey Do

Hey hey hey!

Si siamang memanggil si beruk........."Hoi Ungka!" Or so I heard.

Monkey see monkey do.

Siamang, "Kau dengan cara kau. Aku dengan cara aku. Kita buat hal kita masing-masing."

Ungka, "Siapa kau nak tentukan itu ini.....?! Lagipun kita ni monyet....mana ada cara sendiri? Monkey see, monkey do!"

Siamang, "Dah sudah...Aku dah malas nak bercakap dengan kau, aku nak cari pisang.....nak bagi anak bini makan....bercakap dengan keturunan monyet macam kau memang payah!!!"

Nov 23, 2013

Bad Advice

Bad advice coming from a bad source. It's downright fucking dangerous.

Dalam zaman Google dan lebih ramai smart sounding people without any real experience, I guess we should be more cautious with the source rather than the advice.

I have met so many asswipe-talk cock-mofos that will astound you with their theory, advice, point of view, so-called-research (Google sebenarnya), etc. 

So many people want to impress other people. Though kadangkala niat baik nak membantu dan beri nasihat. But it's okay if you don't have any knowledge or any real experience with related matter. Mendengar pun kadangkala boleh membantu or definitely can offer different kind of help. Definitely helpful rather than giving false or bad advice.

Incredible Sulk

Sulking used up more energy.

It's 2013 and energy is expensive.