Dec 28, 2008

Karma Police

For the past 2 weeks, I have been listening to Radiohead mp3 to-&-fro office. The band have been part of my teen angst "must listen to". I remember during the uni days, we played Creep (ada sekali atau dua kali, upon request from TM). The bridge was destructive enough, that I nearly bleed my finger & broke my pick. Since then, I prefer Jim Dunlop extra heavy pick or just cut-out prepaid top up card to make a pick. (plus that time I am always broke, masa student sengkek...just depend on scholarship to buy everything....) Hehe! For those kaki & tangan bangku, guitar pick is a plectrum use to strum the guitar.

Gua masih simpan! Kad bonus link yg jadi mangsa.

Radiohead lyric & video always thought provoking. Look for the song "Just" video from The Bends album in YouTube, and you'll know what I mean. Anyway, this is the song currently has been repeating over & over & over in my car. It's about the working class society. A metaphor. Note to my band: bole jam lagu nih?

Karma Police from OK Computer

Karma police, arrest this man, he talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge, he's like a detuned radio
Karma police, arrest this girl, her hitler hairdo,
is making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party

This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us

Karma police, I've given all I can, its not enough
I've given all I can, but were still on the payroll

This is what you get, this is what you get
This is what you get, when you mess with us

And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself


faiz said...

Wah! Gi kerja sambil dengar lagu depressed. Memang motivating. Nak best lagi jgn lupa pasang lagu Staind.

Azhan said...

Staind...aku ingat lagi lagu "So far away"...lagu tema kau masa kat Kulim. Haha.

Tade pon depress/tension. Aku tgh study instrument baru kot (kot?), sbb tuh layan Radiohead, sambil2 figure chord lagu dalam kereta. Macam biasa la, kita jam sama2 nanti. Opps, silap! Aku main, ko tengok je diam-diam. Macam selalu.

Wak Zailan said...

aku bukan dah 2 kali ke ajak main lagu ni??

anyway...aku Ok je, dah khatam dah pun lagu ni, Bass dan Rhythm....

tapi ko bleh ke nak 'efek'kan lagu ni?? tapi i believe in you!!

yang penting, sound awal.... jgn tetibe ko ajak main lagu 'idiotique' sudah.... baru betul berfikir instrument ape aku nak main, hahahahaaaa

Azhan said...

2 kali ajak main?...masa tuh ko antar sms, atau ko call, atau ko antar surat layang? haha

effect?...ho-ho-ho-ho. ni cabaran ke @ saje nak kasi gua panas? buleh...bisa beres!

idiotique!!!...terlampau 'seni' ahhh...nanti drummer jadi pak pacak sambil kesat 'air' hidung leleh. Yela, drummer kita kan mat rock 'leleh'. hahaahahahahha...

p/s: the day that never come da settle.

Wak Zailan said...

susah laaa....bila dah tua ni, nak cari chord pun susah

nnt lagi 2-3 hari nak beraksi baru cari tablature!!

aku dah ajak dulu, tapi last2 creep juga mainnya...xpolah, seperti biaso, ambo follow jeee!!!

Azhan said...

tab pon tab la...asal kuar bunyi

Z said...

cuba jam lagu Paranoid Android tengok.haha.

bagi aku, lagu terbaik Radiohead, albeit the simplest one, is High and Dry (The Bends, 1995).

Azhan said...


paranoid android! video clip lagu ni mmg best. high & dry, simple & mellow. Mendayu-dayu beb. hehe.

Wak Zailan said...

wait a minute,

i am a bit confuse on TM
is it that mean telekom malaysia or tun mahathir or what??

it doesn't ring any bell frankly...

junkfood said...

or tuan muda izzit??
or tanah melayu..
or tanpa makanan..
or telur makciknasilemakbelakangkilang

you choose. it's on you

Azhan said...

got it right the first time...hahaaha. 'termakan' budi mesti ingat kan kann kann. heheehe

ko buat² lupa ke? TM 2724 kau ingat?