Feb 27, 2010
MLM Jual Parang Yang Gagal
Ada seorang mamat yang dalam link email tu nak asah parang sebab content entri tu. Aku syak mesti budak MLM.
Aku gelak sambil sebut L...O....L.
Kalau kita betul, apa yang nak takut atau marah? Kalau kita ada facts and figure, buat apa nak asah parang?
Jangan jadi macam budak-budak punya emosi. Dapat gegula terus diam. Kalau tak dapat, nak merentan hentak kaki. Hahaha. Fail straight set.
Feb 24, 2010
Graphical Explanation - Crisis of credit
Plain Stupid or Just Stubborn?
(2) Technical specialist.
(3) Engineer.
(4) Salesperson.
(5) Mechanic/service center.
(6) End user.
All those people above with different specialty and also different point of view based on their expertise.
Katakanlah korang terlibat dengan sektor pembuatan satu produk. Mereka yang dalam group (1), (2), (3) mempunyai pandangan dan kepakaran yang berbeza mengenai produk berbanding group (5) atau (6).
Group (4), biasanya sebagai link kepada dua group besar ni. Segala feedback dari customer, complaint from service center, bla bla bla etc.
Dalam lingkungan yang lagi kecil pun contohnya, di kalangan orang (1), (2) dan (3) pun pendapat kadang-kadang bercanggah.
Tapi lumrah manusia. We normally excel at something, at our own domain. Nak menjadikan (konon-kononnya) perkara menjadi mudah, we often expect people to fall into that domain as much as possible. When people can't, we assumed them either stupid or stubborn. A cognitive shortcut.
I can relate this in life and work. :)
Feb 14, 2010
Romeo Must Die
Aku pernah baca kes internet romeo yang memperdayakan gadis-gadis gebu untuk dapatkan wang, handphone, etc. Targetnya mudah, gadis-gadis gebu ni biasanya lonely dan atas sifat vulnerable itulah si romeo internet ini beroperasi. Mulut manis dan tambah pulak si romeo ada unsur muka jambu dan badan ketul-ketul macam fags yang berlakon tari tirana tu.
Ponzi scammer/MLM scammer atau MLM romeo ni pun beroperasi dengan modus operandi yang lebih kurang jugak. Cari mangsa yang ada duit dan jenis yang terdesak nak hidup senang. Mulut manis, dan bertopengkan pulangan lumayan dalam jangka masa pendek. Daripada dua-dua kes di atas kesimpulannya "if anything is too good to be true, then it is not true at all."
Scammer ponzi, skim cepat kaya, MLM ini sekarang beroperasi di pelbagai bidang, diversify beb...cafe, emas, cacing, lintah, kambing, dan macam-macam lagi. Jangan sampai satu hari nanti ada skim bela Hobbit dengan pulangan 20% sebulan pun orang percaya jugak, memang doom la nasib orang melayu. Biasanya jumlah yang kena tipu bukan sikit-sikit beb. Boleh beli satu fasa rumah aku, termasuk show house dan pak guardnya sekali.
Dulu aku ada entri cerita pasal scammer ni. Aku selalu detect yang manjadi mangsa ni selalu jadi defensif sikit apabila aku diberi nasihat. Aku masih ingat 2-3 tahun lepas, masa tengah hot Swiss cash dan skim advertising email (yang actually spam mail). Biasanya si bodoh sekelian ini akan cakap "Apa la kau, inilah masa untuk orang melayu maju. Apa yang kau susah sangat, bukan duit kau pun." Namun kebodohan mereka makin terserlah apabila dah kena tipu, "dah nasib, takde rezeki. Jangan ketawakan orang, nanti time kau pulak."
Apalah punya bangang, the time you hand over your money to scammer, rezeki kau dah memang takde. Itu rezeki scammer namanya. Tidakkah mereka ini semua sedar "nothing parted faster than a fool and his money." Dan lagi yang aku pelik campur hairan, orang yang sama jugak masuk Swiss Cash, EA, masuk email, join Island red cafe, join Buluh Emas. Why oh why?
Sekarang ni maklumat di mana-mana je ada. Segala free info pasal scammer dari credential people macam Azizi Ali dan Ustaz Zaharuddin pun senang nak dapat. Tapi apakan daya, dulu masa kedua-dua orang ini beri pendapat pasal skim-skim tertentu mereka pun teruk kena hentam. Ada seorang mamat marah ni siap hantar open email kat Azizi Ali. Aku bagi sikit content email tu yang aku ambil dari thread BJ.
"Saya nasihatkan saudara cuba dulu melabur sedikit contoh USD100 atau jika tidak berminat silalah layari website grup kami untuk mendapat maklumat lanjut. Untuk makluman saudara, saya baru saja melabur sebulan tetapi income dah lebih 40%. Jangan hilangkan rasa hormat orang lain terhadap saudara hanya kerana pandangan saudara sesekali dangkal. TQ"Excerps from what Azizi Ali replied,
"As for the 'respect' bit, Tuan Mohd Fa****in, I have never done anything in my life just to make people love and respect me. I do what I love to do, give it all I've got, do the best that I can and tell things as it is. After that, whether people judge that I'm good or small or half good or half small is up to them. If they like what I do, then I'm happy. If they don't, then that's fine too. This is a free country. At the end of the day, it is your money. You do what you want with it. Just don't drag others into it."I share the same opinion with Azizi Ali. Macam mana nak tolong kalau orang-orang macam ni tak mahu di tolong? Dah kena scam sibuk-sibuk nak buat report polis dan keluar kat newspaper, and you can't blame me if I lols sambil guling-guling. Ish ish ish.
Satu lagi urban myth mereka ialah "setiap kali ada skim yang menguntungkan Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) akan serbu dan freeze akaun syarikat terbabit". Dan para scammer yang berada di puncak piramid mula hebahkan story ada di kalangan orang yang dengki dengan skim mereka lalu report ke BNM, dan yang berada di kaki piramid atau yang tak tahu pasal undang-undang mula percaya dan marah pulak kat BNM, kat kerajaan. What the hell?
First, jangan salahkan BNM. Sebab kalau betul-betul operasi skim tu betul, takde sebab BNM nak freeze sesuka hati. Lagilah kalau ramai yang complaint and report. So, before nak join apa-apa skim check dulu dengan SSM dan BNM. Baru boleh tau fraud atau tak.
Second, Kalau BNM tak buat macam ni, aku pulak yang marah nanti. Sebab skim-skim macam ni boleh ranapkan sistem ekonomi negara kalau ia berleluasa. This already proven that in 1997 in Albania sehingga UN campur tangan, semuanya gara-gara kerajaan Albania benarkan skim cepat kaya. Insiden yang dikenali sebagai Lottery Uprising in Albania menyebabkan negara tersebut collapse dan rusuhan di sana-sini. Mahu jadi macam tu?
Akhir kata, stay away from romeo skim cepat kaya. Suck-ass jugak title entry ni. Macam jahanam je bunyi.
Kisah dan tauladan:
Albania's ponzi scheme in wiki
Berita scam 1
Berita scam 2
Berita scam 3
Feb 13, 2010
Proton Hybrid
Semalam Autocarbe keluarkan satu story pasal Proton hybrid concept car. Daripada info di web itu, projek kereta hybrid ini adalah usaha-sama Proton dan designer kenderaan terkemuka dari Itali iaitu Italdesign. Kenderaan ini bakal diperkenalkan pada Geneva Autoshow March ini dan dijangka dirasmikan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir di Geneva.
Nampaknya sekali lagi Proton berkerjasama dengan top player automobile. Italdesign ini bukan calang-calang nama dalam dunia automobil. Top designer Italdesign, Giorgetto Giugiaro pernah menang Car Designer of the Century pada 1999. Italdesign pernah bekerjasama dengan Proton semasa projek Persona dulu. Detail untuk development enjin, transmisi dan lain-lain masih lagi tiada info. Aku pasti Proton akan berusaha untuk develop R&D untuk match automotive design yang leleh air liur dari Italdesign ni. Takkan body je cantik tapi tak reliable kan?
Sumber: Autocarbe.com
Feb 12, 2010
Engineer For Life
(1) I often hear how good people being an engineer and suddenly become a complete suck-ass once they climb the management ladder/become a manager. Some people are not meant to be a manager. Manager require the one basic skill called leadership. But here in our beloved country, Malaysia the only way to get a better/higher salary is to become a manager. So once they obtain the title and position, suddenly people will realized that they are not meant to be a leader (yet).
(2) I want to be be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Some company even offer the position to a non deserving people just because they agreed to be in a hell hole for a certain period. Let alone leadership skills or analytical thinking, I doubt that the actual foundation of technical knowledge was there. When crisis arise, opportunity also arise (to solve problems and improve). But....
(3) I cannot stop to learn. I often see, some management stop to 'learn' once they have the title. Basic example of TPM. Few years back TPM, was known as Total Preventive Maintenance, but at recent years, TPM have developed into Total Productive Maintenance. Still stuck in the 1990's era. Still want to do preventing while others have already predicting.
(4) I love to hands-on the problem, working with teams. It is the fundamental of learning and communication. If you don't have the foundation, please pass the position to somebody else. Some managers think, "the role of manager is to do whatever it takes to stay afloat." Often they think and they give the orders. Isn't the management is all about planning and decision making?
(5) Nobody will send me chain emails, gossips, photos, mp3s etc. Ha ha.
In some country, certain company give an option for engineers, to decide whether they want to climb the management ladder and become a manager, or be an engineer for life. That's why in some cases the engineer's wage can match the manager's.
Feb 11, 2010
Isu Toyota Prius
Di Amerika dah kecoh pasal isu Prius ini dan delay di pihak Toyota untuk disclose rootcause problem ni semakin buatkan problem jadi aggravated. Sampai sekarang hanya programming glitch yang diberitahu.
Keadaan ekonomi di Amerika juga antara faktor isu ini digembar-gemburkan. Macam mana? Sebabnya selepas eknomi downturn tahun 2008, motor industry di US terjejas teruk dan sekarang level protectionism semakin meningkat untuk boost industri kenderaan tempatan. Tambahan pulak US gov owns 60.8% share in General Motor. See the link?
Update terkini Toyota masih in-progress untuk repair/rework programming glitch pada model-model yang terlibat. The thing about Toyota is, they fell and they stood back, again. Aku selalu follow news yang berkait dengan Toyota sebab ini adalah kompeni pioneer Lean. Cerita yang berkaitan dengan failure, success, challenge and most important point, how to bounce back from failure.
Ada jugak news yang report isu berkait Prius ini disebabkan Toyota push launching date lebih awal daripada yang sepatutnya. Kalau accusation ini benar maka Toyota sudah 'betray' konsep QCD (Quality - Cost - Delivery) menjadi DCQ (Delivery-Cost-Quality).
Sebagai kompeni yang ramai look up to dan terkenal dengan manufacturing philosophy and quality control and manufacturing system and technology, highly efficient production, but they lost it somewhere along the way. Maybe they need to go back to basic, and ponder the quote below.
"When everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again." - Andre Gide...Amacam Proton, boleh faham?
Sumber: Yomiuri Japan, The Star
Feb 3, 2010
Working With Idiots Can Kill You - Fact or Fiction
STOCKHOLM -- Idiots in the office are just as hazardous to your health as cigarettes, caffeine or greasy food, an eye-opening new study reveals. In fact, those dopes can kill you!Stress is one of the top causes of heart attacks -- and working with stupid people on a daily basis is one of the deadliest forms of stress, according to researchers at Sweden's Lindbergh University Medical Center.
The author of the study, Dr. Dagmar Andersson, says her team studied 500 heart attack patients, and were puzzled to find 62 percent had relatively few of the physical risk factors commonly blamed for heart attacks.
"Then we questioned them about lifestyle habits, and almost all of these low-risk patients told us they worked with people so stupid they can barely find their way from the parking lot to their office. And their heart attack came less than 12 hours after having a major confrontation with one of these oafs.
"One woman had to be rushed to the hospital after her assistant shredded important company tax documents instead of copying them. A man told us he collapsed right at his desk because the woman at the next cubicle kept asking him for correction fluid -- for her computer monitor.
"You can cut back on smoking or improve your diet," Dr. Andersson says, "but most people have very poor coping skills when it comes to stupidity -- they feel there's nothing they can do about it, so they just internalize their frustration until they finally explode."
Stupid co-workers can also double or triple someone's work load, she explains. "Many of our subjects feel sorry for the drooling idiots they work with, so they try to cover for them by fixing their mistakes. One poor woman spent a week rebuilding client records because a clerk put them all in the 'recycle bin' of her computer and then emptied it -- she thought it meant the records would be recycled and used again."
Kelakar tak? Aku pasti ramai yang pernah received JPEG version (keratan akhbar) yang circulated kat email ofis. Tapi yang menjadi lagi kelakar apabila aku meng-Google dan jumpa artikel ini.
Walaupun artikel dari World Weekly News ni takde facts yang support sebab Lindbergh University Medical Center memang tak pernah wujud, tetapi aku percaya 90% orang akan akui betapa benar artikel ini. Sekali lagi, lols.
Feb 2, 2010
Fiscal Year & TPM
Masuk je tahun 2010 macam-macam hal yang timbul. Lebih baik jangan fokus kepada negatif energi sekelian dan jangan pulak nak panjangkan hal. Juga elakkan bakar sana, bakar sini.
OK move on. Awal tahun ni aku cuba settelkan KPI company. Ada lagi balance 2 bulan sebelum dead line atau kompeni tutup fiscal year. Kompeni aku akan mula tahun baru (fiscal year) pada bulan April dan berakhir pada bulan Mac tahun berikutnya. Sebaik sahaja fiscal year ni tamat, top management akan review KPI achievement setiap department. Dah ujung-ujung tanduk camni, bos pulak push suruh all out, tu yang aku bizi 'sikit'.
Fiscal year ni merujuk kepada financial year/budget year/accounting year. Macam kompeni aku fiscal year (contohnya) bermula April 2009 dan ending pada Mac 2010 (mungkin ikut fiscal year gov Japan). Mana-mana negara (kerajaan) kat dunia ni pun ada fiscal year masing-masing. Berdasarkan fiscal year inilah kiraan cukai diambil kira. Kalau Malaysia, fiscal year mengikut calendar year, iaitu Januari hingga Disember. Kalau Amerika pulak, bermula dari bulan Oktober. Pakistan pulak mula bulan Julai. Cukai ni merujuk kepada personal tax atau business tax. Tapi ada jugak negara yang personal tax tak ikut kerajaan punya fiscal year. Kalau nak tau lebih kena google la. Aku malas nak cari info.
KPI untuk fiscal year tahun lepas (FY2009) yang akan berakhir Mac ni mainly berpusing sekitar projek TPM aku. Sebagai 'driver' untuk projek ni, aku direct involved dengan production engineering dan staf-staf maintenance. Projek TPM ni menjadi 'gagasan' besar jugak. Objektifnya untuk mengelakkan staf-staf maintenance bekerja macam ahli bomba dan menjadi ahli nujum dan ahli silap mata. Setakat ni budak-budak maintenance ni aku tengok belum capai tahap Copperfield mahupun Blaine, boleh la setakat magik Ayah Pin.
TPM ni satu topik yang best jugak kepada yang berminat Lean manufacturing atau Toyota Production System. Nanti lah kalau aku ada time aku share kat sini.